For a gardener in a townhouse/condo/apartment, every inch of sunlit space is valuable. In this solution, I added to the garden area and hid ...
For a gardener in a townhouse/condo/apartment, every inch of sunlit space is valuable. In this solution, I added to the garden area and hid some dangling wires and PVC pipes using a rain gutter on a narrow ledge.
Then I drilled holes into the bottom of the gutter for drainage.
I then added potting soil and plants. The last step was adding a drip line for irrigation.
Narrow Ledge |
I wanted a black 5" wide aluminum gutter that was only available at HomeDepot's online site. It took a couple weeks to get the gutter, end pieces, and hangers. I also bought a eight foot long 2x2 to act as a back brace.
Then I drilled holes into the bottom of the gutter for drainage.
I then added potting soil and plants. The last step was adding a drip line for irrigation.